BiRAL VG-HT is excellent wherever lubricating problems occur due to high temperatures and aggressive environments/ conditions. Examples are plastics moulding tools, conveyors and chains and linkages in for example I.R. ovens, paint booths, overhead production line conveyors e.g.: automobile manufacture and newspaper printing. Bottling plants, packaging and carton making machines, bearings and equipment frequently subjected to extremes of heat, steam, seawater and aggressive chemical attack.
BiRAL VG-HT can be used with complete confidence from: -20ºC to +270ºC. It is completely free from silicone, MoS², ptfe, 1,1,1,Trichloroethane, and any lead based additives.
Japan’s Yamasaki Seiki Institute independently tested VG-HT and declared it the best corrosion inhibiting lubricant available – preventing attack even from highly acidic atmospheric SO².
- Operational performance+BiRAL VG-HT will not drip nor run even at +270ºC (614ºF.) BiRAL VG-HT withstands extremely heavy loads. BiRAL VG-HT is exceptionally adhesive and water repellent. BiRAL VG-HT Protects from rust, corrosion and chemical attack. BiRAL VG-HT Provides lubrication over extended periods
- Properties+Temperature Range: -20ºC - +270ºC (614ºF.) Penetration worked & un-worked: 340 ± 10 Drop Point: ASTM D 2265 64 T: NONE No soap base Copper strip corrosion test: 144 hours @ 100ºC: NEGATIVE Water washout test ASTM D 1264 - 50/hrs @ 80ºC. Max grease loss: 3.28% 4 Ball Test: Mean Hertz load: 72 Insulating Property: NEM. Min. 50,000Ω
- Material safety data sheet+