Multi-purpose grease
BiRAL MPG is a reliable and dependable general purpose grease ideally suited for Industrial, Mining, Chemical Engineering Plants and Agricultural applications.
Use MPG to lubricate ball, roller and plain bearings. Also whole-filled bearings and bearings which are serviced only once a lifetime. Also excellent for chains, water pumps, electric motors, machinery and machinery & equipment used in marine applications.
Recommended for use at temp’s ranging from -30ºC – +130ºC cont. and upto +150ºC short intervals.
Supplied in 400gm cartridges: boxes of 24.
Also 5Kg tubs, 18 and 50 Kg drums
- Operational performance+BiRAL MPG is superb multi-purpose grease designed for general use. It establishes a strong friction reducing lubricating film whilst protecting from rust and corrosion. MPG also provides protection against salt water and chemical attack.
- Properties+Temperature Range: -30ºC - +130ºC Penetration worked & un-worked: 280 ± 15 Dropping Point: (ASTM D 566): 190 Density at 20ºC: 0,95 Base oil visc. at 40ºC: 200 mm2/s Base oil visc. at 100ºC: 15 mm2/s Water stability: DIN 51807/1 - 0-90 Oil separation: 168h/40ºC - IP 121 - 5% Evaporation loss (50 hrs @ 100ºC.): 1.9% 4 Ball weld load DIN 51350:4: 2600 N Corrosion protection: SKF Emcor WWO dist water: 0-0 SKF Emcor salt water: 2-3 Copper corrosion 24h/100ºC: 1a Anti-wear: 4-ball wear scar (1h at 400N) 0,5 mm Non-lead based EP (extreme pressure) agent. Lithium thickened based on mineral oil.
- Material safety data sheet+